Thursday, August 8, 2013

Asleep on the job

A few days a go, Just a Girl with a Hammer posted about bees sleeping in her Agastache. I did not know bees slept on plants. I thought they were like us and went home every night. Then yesterday morning I spotted a bee asleep on the Joe pye. It looked dead, but as the day warmed up, it began to stir and eventually continued with what sleep had so rudely interrupted the night before, gathering pollen. Or maybe it was breakfasting on nectar?

I can't imagine falling asleep at my desk at the end of the day, only to wake up and continue with my typing the next morning. Not even if donuts and coffee were to magically appear at my elbow.


  1. Sleeping at my desk would be very uncomfortable. I much prefer my bed!

  2. Sleeping at the desk makes me think of Bob Cratchit toiling away in A Christmas Carol...

  3. I have suggested that cots be provided to the people in my office to promote catnaps. Studies show that brief naps can boost productivity. Oddly my proposal was not implemented.

  4. I used to take cat naps under my desk on a yoga mat during my lunch break. I think I would've made a good bee. :)
