After last spring's premature heat wave that ruined the entire crop of Michigan peaches, I don't mind the cold weather this March. But please, can we stop with the snow? And the oppressive gray skies? And the damp wind? Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
Since I cannot work on the yard, I might as well work on the house, a house that is too small for all my toys. I have been so looking forward to getting this cupboard/pantry, to expand the storage space in my kitchen.
It's from Furniture Crafts. It was on sale. It matches my other free-standing kitchen cupboard which was so full the waffle iron my dad gave me two years ago had been waiting patiently on the fireplace hearth.
Not only have the canners come in from the cold (garage), there is room for more!
I'm okay with a crisp March in the 40s and 50s, but I think there is more water right now on the top of my pool cover than beneath it.